Friday, September 16, 2016


So, I am finally at the point of almost finishing something - when I realize I'm out of Acryl gloss. Seeing what else I have, I  try the Microscale gloss. It comes out quite thick and eventually frosts. that's a no go.  Testor's spray gloss and especially the high-gloss clears yellow, and as I'm working with a white subject that won't work.  I look at the bottle of Future, but it's starting to yellow and I don't want to risk that either.  I try Tamiya clear, but that's thick too and I can't get the mixture improved.  So, the next day I go find the last bottle of Acryl gloss in town.  It sprays on perfectly on the first attempt.  Nothing else works like it. Hopefully, I'll have something to post soon.